Indoor and outdoor ramps are made to your specific requirements; height, width and length. Have a look through the gallery pictures to get some ideas and examples.
Outdoor Ramps Popular Sizes: 16cm H x 40cm W x 40cms L (Short Base Outdoor Step Ramp) 57 16cm H x 40cm W x 60cm L (Back door/Patio Outdoor Ramp) 62 16cm H x 60cm W x 60cm L (Back door /Patio Outdoor Ramp) 78 16cm H x 80cm W x 60cm L (Back door /Patio Outdoor Ramp) 110 16cm H x 90cm W x 60cm L (Back door /Patio Outdoor Ramp) 120 18cm H x 40cm W x 60cm L (Back door/Patio Outdoor Ramp) 68 20cm H x 40cm W x 60cm L (Back door/Patio Outdoor Ramp) 73 Outdoor ramps are plus shipping to your postcode
Sofa/Beds £ Popular Sizes: 32cm H x 29cm W x 65cm L Base 118 40cm H x 29cm W x 80cm L Base 128 Sofa ramps have shipping included in the price Other sizes, heights/widths and specifications available, please message for advice and cost
Please contact me directly @ T. 07896 508182
Generally from order to despatch, ramp build time is around 10 working days depending on volume of orders. Once you place your order you will receive confirmation and a delivery time. You will be kept updated as to the progress of your order.